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Simplified procedure – Authorization

Simplify your customs procedures with the simplified customs declaration

What is a simplified declaration?

When submitting a customs declaration to include goods under a specific customs procedure, a simplified declaration allows you to omit certain data or supporting documents.

If you're a declarant and have a habitual use authorization for simplified declarations, you can submit a simplified declaration with provisional data or without some necessary documents for customs clearance.

  • To use a simplified declaration, include the authorization number in the appropriate field of the declaration. As the holder of the authorization, you have a set period (determined in the authorization) to provide final data and supporting documents through the corresponding supplementary declaration.
  • If you're using a simplified declaration for non-habitual purposes, you must submit the declaration without some data or documents indicated in the DUA resolution and file a supplementary declaration within 10 days.

Is authorization always required? No

Authorization is only required for habitual use of simplified declarations under article 166.1 of the CAU.

What is considered habitual?

 In Spain, use is considered habitual when the deadline for supplementary declarations exceeds 10 days.

What companies can apply for simplified procedure authorization?

Importing and exporting companies and those with repetitive customs activity.


Does your company require authorization for simplified declarations based on your regular declaration activities? Contact us through the form below.

Formulario contacto (#5)

More than 10 years of experience in international consulting and customs management.

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