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Self Clearance - Training

Self-declaration of customs clearance training: benefits and who can be self-declarants

Who can be self-declarants of their own goods?

  • Individuals who are qualified to make declarations in their own name and on their own behalf.
  • Legal entities, both public and private, that submit their own declarations.

Main advantages:

  1. Economic savings with specific software that allows the transmission and sending of data to the AEAT (Spanish Tax Administration Agency).
  2. Speed in the management of customs documentation, as it allows you to carry out operations 24/7.

Do you want to turn your company into a self-declarant?

Formulario contacto (#5)

More than 10 years of experience in international consulting and customs management.

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“MARIA DEL CARMEN MASEGOSA PALLARÉS has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in foreign markets during 2022. To this end, it has had the support of the XPANDE DIGITAL Program of the Chamber of Commerce of Almeria."

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